This is the time that the fish enter back into the bay system….HUNGRY!!
Expect to drift over oyster reefs with soft plastics, top water, or shrimp under popping corks for trout, redfish and flounder.
Anchoring up at the jetties or other structure is good this time of year.
Drifting with Croaker over deep reefs is the ticket this time of year for big trout.
Fishing slicks will keep fish jumping in the boat.
Early morning top water action is great!!
This is the magical time of year. Birds working the bay system is AWESOME!!
If you like to wade, this is the time to get your boots out of the garage.
Flounder begin their migration. This will be the best time to put some flatties in your life.
What? You thought we stop fishing? NEVER. Fishing this time of year is about quality not quantity. Better chances of catching your biggest trout happens RIGHT NOW!!
We use top water, corkies, soft plastics and live shrimp this time of year.
Slow it down, pay attention and SET THE HOOK!!